Wakatip Mail May 5 1908

The bowling and tennis pavilion which has just been completed to the order of the Tourist Department and which is erected within 15 ft. of the bowling green in the Park at the south west end is a substantial as well as artistic structure. The need for the building has been greatly felt by the bowlers since the game was instituted here and it was only after repeated reminders by the club and visiting players that the Department was prevailed upon to go on with the work. However we do not want to appear to be in a complaining mood. The pavilion is there and bowlers will find it as convenient and suitable building as any to be found in the Dominion and an excellent view of the games can be had from the balcony. The place is moreover beautifully finished and well set off by the painter’s brush. As stated it forms a striking ornament not alone to the green enclosure but through its height (some 30 ft.), to the park generally. Great credit is due to the contractor, Mr. A O Stewart, Roslyn, Dunedin and his men for the skillful and highly satisfactory manner in which they carried the work to completion, and that in a comparatively short space of time.

( Cost -258.10 pounds)The building measures 31ft by 15ft and contains two rooms and an open corridor. The rooms –one for bowlers and one for tennis

players – are each 9ft. by 15ft. and 9ft high. The entrances to the passage are relieved by archways. From the passage there is a stairway leading to the balcony, which occupies the whole length and breadth of the pavilion. The floor of the balcony which is covered with malthoid roofing material is concave so that any rain that may blow in will run off easily. There is a neat balustrading around the balcony and on the sides and head of the stairway. The roof which is overhanging, is supported by Kauri pillars and the intervals between these are relieved at the head of the archways, and under the eaves of the balcony are placed fancy wooden brackets. It is intended to place seats in the upstairs portion. Two semi French windows with 32 lights in each provide ample lighting for each room, the sashes being fastened with bronze casement keys. Both apartments are lined with figured red pine t & g lining and the whole of the walls and ceilings have been oiled. There is a lavatory in the tennis room and wash hand basins in both rooms with water laid on. In the bowler’s apartment two cupboards containing 12 lockers each have been fixed to the wall and there is a separate cupboard for the Government bowls, mats, etc. The timber used throughout is principally red pine and totara. There has been no painting done inside with the exception of the window frames and doors. The body of the exterior of the building is painted in cream colour with facings of olive green; the handrail of the balcony is white and the roof done with red oxide of iron. The colors blend well and give the pavilion a most striking and artistic appearance.

Lake Wakatip Mail

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